Itella LLC is a leading provider of transport and logistics services in Russia.
In 2014 -2015 one of the branches of "Itella" LLC which is engaged in storage and delivery of pharmaceutical products used GeoResin technology to stabilize and lift the concrete floor slabs (up to 10 to 45 mm), with a total work area of 1354 m2.
The work was completed in the shortest possible term of 14 calendar days, and LLC Ground Engineering provided a guarantee for a period of 60 months.
Technological excessive subsidence of a building columns
Stopping subsidence and increasing the load-bearing capacity of the pile foundation
In a residential building, a floor slab sank after a pipe burst
Reinforcement of base soils and re-leveling of floor slab
Leakage of the retaining wall of the entrance to the underground garage
Compaction of soils and plugging of leaks in the retaining wall structure
Eroding the foundation of the supporting columns
Strengthening the foundation foundation without disrupting the entire project schedule
Reinforcement of foundation soils and stabilization of the foundation
Reinforcement of foundation soils and stabilization of the foundation
Strengthening the foundation soil and stabilizing the foundation
Strengthening the foundation soil and stabilizing the foundation
Subsidence of the slab and the appearance of a longitudinal crack
Compaction of the soil with filling the gap under the slab